Mohammad Mehdi Shariati

Mohammad Mehdi Shariati born in 2000 in Shiraz. He started his activity in music field since 1989. Later, he learned Ney instrument. He learned complementary music theory and solfeggio and composing by Mr. Hoda Parvane.

Of his performing history, we can mention following:
1- Membership and cooperation and concert performance with choir group Pars and Azargoon as meister of Tanbur and bass; conductor: Hoda Parvane.
2- Establishing and conductor of Azarman singing group in 2011 and performing different concerts with this group.
3- Teaching music theory basics lessons, solfeggio, classic singing, and harmony and composing in different music schools of Shiraz such as Arsheh, Avige and Kook since 2012 up to now.